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Futureof401k demensionalfund


Cost Free
Presentation Length 1.0 hour

Recorded DateAugust 22, 2018
CPE:Not available
(archived webinars do not offer CPE credits)
Subject AreaFinance
Course LevelBasic
Course Description

This presentation is a unique look at the history and key inflection points from the creation of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) and the Revenue Act of 1978 to the marketplace we have today that serves as the backbone of the American retirement system.  Topics covered include the shift from DB to DC savings, creation of the first 401(k), key demographic and legislative events as well as a look at today’s most popular Qualified Default Investment Alternatives (QDIAs).  Finally, the presentation will highlight academic research and recent investment developments necessary to insure plan participants meet their retirement goals.       

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Cecelia M Fewox Fewox (Hunters Bay Stables LLC)

"Well done Webinar. Interesting history of the 401(k) and interesting statistics, with a good overview of TDIF funds."
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Lewis Cole (Charles Cole Company, Inc.)

"Excellent webinar; my expectations were exceeded. Tim was well prepared, organized and clear."

Robert Slowik (Robert A Slowik PA EA CFP)

"An excellent history and future of and for 401)k) retirement plans."
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Erika Singletary (SEG Media, LLC)

"Really informative and contextual session. Thank you!"
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Cyndi Martin (FHLB Topeka)

"Very good information and presentation. Thank you."
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Phyllis Joyce (BDO USA, LLP)

"Excellent webinar! It exceeded my expectations."

Laura Carolan (Grant Thornton)

"Very informative and slides were relevant."
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Candace, MA

"This webinar was eye opening! I was not aware of TD income-focused funds. I will be shifting my investment allocation accordingly. Thank you."
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Tim Kohn

Dimensional Fund Advisors, Inc.
Vice President and Head of Defined Contribution Sales
(512) 306-4939


Tim Kohn, Vice President, heads Dimensional's US defined contribution practice, coordinating the sales and service for corporate, platform, and advisor-sold business. In this role, Tim works with clients and industry partners to market, research, and implement new defined contribution solutions. Tim leads Dimensional's DC efforts with academia, industry partners, and key stakeholders, and he also serves as executive editor for the firm's defined contribution client newsletter. Prior to joining Dimensional, Tim served as the head of DC Sales and Service and chief defined contribution strategist for Barclays Global Investors (now BlackRock). Tim received his BA in business economics from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and completed his MBA at the University of San Francisco, and also maintains a Master's of Science in personal financial planning. Tim is FINRA Series 7, 24, and 65 licensed, and a Chartered Mutual Fund Counselor.

About Our Presenter

Dimensional has been a pioneer in designing outcome-based strategies that provide investors saving for retirement with a risk management framework. These solutions can improve the retirement readiness of plan participants and enable meaningful communication around a plan participant’s progress to meet their goals.